
International training course: 'Strategies for minimization of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in food chains'

Dal 16/10/2017 ore 08.30 al 19/10/2017 ore 18.30

Istituto di scienze delle produzioni animali
Via G. Amendola 122/O

Strategies for minimization of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in food chains
Strategies for minimization of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in food chains

We are glad to announce the training course 'Strategies for minimization of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in food chains', that will be hosted by the Institute of sciences of food production (Ispa-Cnr) of Bari under the aegis of the Mycokey project. The course aims at training smart, integrated, sustainable solutions and innovative tools to manage and reduce the major mycotoxins (aflatoxins, fumonisins, trichothecenes and ochratoxin A) in economically important food and feed chains (maize, wheat, barley, dried fruits and grape) in pre and post-harvest. Advanced technologies in the field of chemical detection, molecular analysis, modelling and Ict solutions will be covered by highly qualified international instructors, throughout lectures and laboratory experiences. About half of the duration of the workshop will be 'hands on' and spent in the laboratory.

The course covers

Plant disease & mycotoxin

  • Detection of toxigenic fungi
  • Mycotoxin monitoring & Regulation

Pre-harvest management
Prevention in the field

  • Breeding for resistance
  • Biocontrol
  • Agronomic measures
  • Modelling
  • ICT solutions

Post-harvest management

  • Physical methods
  • Chemical methods
  • Biological methods

Highly qualified instructors for the training topics will participate to the Training Course. International experts in the fields covered by the course will train the students throughout lectures and laboratory experiences.


Organizzato da:
Ispa Bari
Mycokey project

Referente organizzativo:
Antonio Moretti
Via G. Amendola 122/O
Registration office: Mariella Quarto (mariella.quarto@ispa.cnr.it), Phone: +39 080 5929365

Ufficio stampa:
Pasquale Del Vecchio

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento
The training registration fee (EUR 600) includes all course materials, handouts, farewell party and training lunches, lab supplies, a certificate of participation, the International Society for Mycotoxicology ordinary membership (www.mycotox-society.org), and refreshment.

A reduced fee of EUR 400 is available for Icpc participants. Two participation fees will be awarded by Mycokey project to students recognised for their academic excellence. To apply, please contact and send curriculum vitae to Antonio Moretti (antonio.moretti@ispa.cnr.it; +39-080-5929326 or +39 338-6701273) within July 15th.

Costs of meals for dinner, travel, local transportation and accommodation are not included. Trainees will be covered by liability insurance against injuries and damages that may result from work during the training course at ISPA-CNR.

Each participant should ensure accommodation on its own.

Register here: http://bit.ly/2uPZcFj

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