
Mediterranean - UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)

Dal 21/01/2020 ore 08.00 al 23/01/2020 ore 13.00

UNESCO in Venice

Regional workshop - Mediterranean - UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
Regional workshop - Mediterranean - UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)

The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 offers the ocean community a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to join efforts, mobilize resources, create partnerships and engage governments and other stakeholders in moving towards the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want. 

Our vision is that the Decade provides for the ocean community and beyond, a pathway to work collaboratively, demonstrating the productivity and relevance of the global science community for addressing societal issues, as well as raising the visibility of these collective actions. This increased visibility shall reach the global public and inspire learning and science-based decision-making and increase citizen ocean literacy.

Following the First Global Planning Meeting held last May in Denmark, a Mediterrean Workshop will be convened 21-23 January 2020, in Venice, Italy. This event is hosted by Italian Oceanographic Commission and co-organized with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), as coordinating body for the Decade, the European Commission, the United Nations Environment/Mediterranean Action Plan and the Mediterranean Science Commission.

A key aim of the Regional Meeting is to define and address regional issues and science questions to contribute to the development of the Implementation Plan of UN Decade in order to take into consideration the regional emerging environmental and ecosystem developments, new policy requirements, latest scientific and data advances, technological breakthroughs and evolving societal demands. These can be further defined during the Preparation Phase and beyond. 

This workshop, targeting specifically the Mediterranean region, will deliver trough the work of 6 specific working groups will aim to identify concrete deliverables and partnerships to meet the Decade's six societal objectives interpreted by declining them in the perspective of the Mediterranean Sea uniqueness:

  1. A clean ocean/Mediterranean Sea 
  2. A healthy and resilient ocean/Mediterranean Sea
  3. A predicted ocean/Mediterranean Sea
  4. A safe ocean/Mediterranean Sea
  5. A sustainably harvested and productive ocean/Mediterranean Sea
  6. A transparent and accessible ocean/Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Workshop offers a crucial opportunity to co-design mission-oriented research strategies in line with the 2030 Agenda, Horizon Europe, the BLUEMED initiative, the Mediterranean Action Plan, the WestMED Initiative, the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR), and focusing on Mediterranean countries specific needs and priorities in terms of  transforming knowledge systems; accelerating transfer of technology; enabling training and education; and fostering science-policy dialogues.

The Mediterranean Workshop will aim to identify:

Tailor the Decade goals by addressing knowledge and technology gaps to unlock the Mediterranean Sea potential.
Consolidate the Mediterranean blue identity as hotspot of innovation for sustainable development.
Enhance cooperation opportunities, focusing on blue capacity-development and training.
Structure regional leaderships to address Mediterranean Sea key priorities in the Decade Roadmap.
Promote continuous dialogue among scientists, policy makers, industry, NGOs and civil society.
Consider best practices and other regional initiatives and meetings to be aligned with the Decade.

View the Agenda.

Two side-events will be hosted within the Mediterranean Regional Worshop on January 20, 2020:

'A Plastic-free healthy Mediterranean Sea: operationalizing the BLUEMED R&I Pilot workhop'; read more on BlueMed Initiative website. Please register at the following link by January 8, 2020.

'Master Class on Communication'. The 1-day event will discuss the role of ocean science communication in raising awareness by presenting, in a critical manner, both good and bad practices in science communication taken from real examples. This session will be followed by a hands-on activity where the participants will be asked to develop communication products on ocean science topics, relevant for the Mediterranean. The masterclass is open to both journalists and scientists. The speakers include Daniele Moretti, Editor in Chief of Sky TG24, Marco Ferrazzoli head of the press office of the Italian Council for Research (CNR), and Franco Borgogno author of the book 'A sea of plastics'. Registration here.

Preliminary results are available on UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030: Mediterranean Workshop 'The Mediterranean Sea We Need for the Future We Want'

Organizzato da:
Commissione oceanografica Italiana - COI

Referente organizzativo:
Rosalia Santoleri
Presidente COI
The Italian Oceanographic Commission is hosted by Cnr and is composed of the following member: Cnr, Ispra, CoNISMa, Dpc, Enea, Iim, Ingv, Ogs, Szn and Cmcc

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero

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