iENTRANCE@ENL - a new research infrastructure for energy transition and circular economy within the NextGenEU program
Il 06/02/2023 ore 14.00 - 15.00
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A revolution in materials, processes and systems for energy generation, storage, distribution and use is of fundamental importance for the future of the planet. The project, “Infrastructure for Energy Transition and Circular Economy @ EuroNanoLab” (iENTRANCE@ENL -, aims to become the first research infrastructure of European excellence in Italy with the mission to provide the scientific community with access to facilities for: 1. Nanomaterials for energy; 2. Processes and devices for green energy production, storage and management; 3. Micro and nanoscale characterization; 4. Technologies for the realization of devices and systems.
It will be structured across 6 geographical nodes, internationally recognised in complementary research domains, but will operate through a Central Hub acting as single-entry point and unique catalogue of all the methods and technologies available within the consortium.
In the Design and Implementation phase (M1-M18), the operational and management backbone of the RI will be constructed, and the digital infrastructure, based on FAIR principles, will play a key role. Speaker: Vittorio Morandi, Istituto per la microelettronica ed i microsistemi del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Cnr-Imm).
Organizzato da:
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Referente organizzativo:
Pietro Asinari
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero
Il seminario rientra nel WP7 (disseminazione) del progetto PNRR: iENTRANCE