
16th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles for Sustainable Transport-ICE2023

Dal 10/09/2023 ore 17.00 al 14/09/2023 ore 17.00

Hotel Quisisana- Capri (NA)


The 16th edition of our biannual conference will take place in the island of Capri (Italy) from September 10th to September 14th, 2023.
‍ICE Conference was created more than 30 years ago, with the aim to encourage the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge in the main themes of the vehicles and it has always been imagined as a forum to promote the cooperation between industry, research laboratories and universities. 

This year ICE2023 will be organized by SAENA (Italian SAE section) in cooperation with CAR-OSU (Center for Automotive Research of the Ohio State University) and with STEMS (Institute of Science and Technology in Energy and Sustainable Mobility - Naples, Italy).

On 2021’s edition we collected a total of 127 institutions of the automotive sector, which have been represented at the conference by: 64 universities, 42 companies, 21 research centers /laboratories / associations. We registered a "new record" of  participants coming from 21 countries from all over the world and this year we expect to celebrate our 16th edition following this positive trend.

Organizzato da:
CAR-OSU (Center for Automotive Research of the Ohio State University);
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) NAPLES section

Referente organizzativo:
Bianca Maria Vaglieco
CNR - Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili
via Marconi,4

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