
"Towards Carbon Neutrality" - New frontiers in carbon dioxide capture and valorization

Il 19/06/2024 ore 09.00 - 18.30

Darwin room at the Biotechnology Department of the University of Turin (Via Nizza n. 52 - 10126 Torino)

Logo of the workshop
Logo of the workshop

The workshop "Towards Carbon Neutrality", that will be hel on 19th June 2024, aims to showcase the most recent efforts in the field of decarbonization from a multifaceted perspective, encompassing hard science, engineering, and legislation.

The event is locally organized by the University of Torino in collaboration with the INSTM Consortium, University of Pisa, University of Perugia, and CNR (Institute on Membrane Technology of the Cnr - Cnr-Itm and Institute of chemistry of organometallic compounds - Cnr-Iccom), as partners of the PRIN2020 doMino and the EIC Pathfinder DAM4CO2 projects.

International renowned speakers will give their lectures and will be open to discuss with the audience about the challenges and future perspectives in decarbonization technologies and strategies.

Organizzato da:
University of Torino
INSTM Consortium, University of Pisa, University of Perugia, CNR (Cnr-Itm and Cnr-Iccom)

Referente organizzativo:
Alessio Fuoco

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito
The attendance is free but registration is required

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