Lo YAG YAG (Y3Al5O12) policristallino drogato con elementi delle terre rare (REE) è un materiale funzionale strategico come sorgente laser per laser allo stato solido di alta potenza pompati a diodi (DPLSSL).
Rispetto ai cristalli singoli generalmente utilizzati, i ceramici YAG trasparenti possono dare origine a nuove applicazioni laser in quanto:
1. Possono contenere più elevati tenori di drogaggio
2. Sono più veloci da produrre
3. Possono esse fabbricati anche in forme complesse
Recent National and International Projects
European project LASERLAB-EUROPE" EC contract no. 284464,Joint Research Activity WP33 - "European Research Objectives on Lasers for Industry, Technology and Energy (EURO-LITE)"
Italian Flag project RITMARE, La Ricerca Italiana per il Marem, funded by Ministry of Educ..Univ. and Res. (MIUR)
European CRAFT Project NOVIGLAS "Innovative high power laser system based on polycrystalline nd:yag for marking, engraving, cutting and micro-drilling metal surfaces", Project n. COOP-CT-2004-5123182010-2011
Bilateral Project with INSA CNRS Lyon in France, title :SCOC (Sintering and Characterization of Optical Ceramics)
Project with Aquitania region "Production and characterization of transparent ceramics"
Recent Pubblications
P. Ferrara, M. Ciofini, L. Esposito, J. Hosta?a, L. Labate, A. Lapucci, A. Pirri, G. Toci, M. Vannini, L. A. Gizzi, "3-D numerical simulation of Yb:YAG active slabs with longitudinal doping gradient for thermal load effects assessment", Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 5375-5386 (2014)
M. Serantoni, A.L. Costa, C. Zanelli and L. Esposito, "Crystallization behavior of Yb-doped and undoped YAG nanoceramics synthesized by microwave-assisted urea precipitation", Ceramics International, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.04.018
Jan Hosta?a, Jiři Matějiček, Benoit Nait-Ali, David S. Smith, Willi Pabst, Laura Esposito, "Thermal properties of transparent Yb - doped YAG ceramics at elevated temperatures", in press in Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Nov. 2013
A.Lapucci, M.Ciofini, L.Esposito, P.Ferrara, L.A.Gizzi, J.Hosta?a, L.Labate, A.Pirri,"Characterization of Yb:YAG active slab media based on a layered structure with different doping" , Proc. SPIE 8780, High-Power, High-Energy, and High-Intensity Laser Technology; and Research Using Extreme Light: Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class Lasers, 87800J (May 7, 2013), doi:10.1117/12.2017380
L. Esposito, A. Piancastelli, Y. Bykov, S. Egorov, A. Eremeev, "Microwave Sintering of Yb:YAG Transparent Laser Ceramics", Optical Materials, 35 (2013) 761-765
J. Hosta?a, L. Esposito, D. Alderighi, A. Pirri , "Preparation and Characterization of Yb - doped YAG Ceramics", Optical Materials, 35 (2013) 798-803
E. Cavalli, L. Esposito, J. Hosta?a, "Synthesis and optical spectroscopy of transparent YAG ceramics activated with Er3+", J. Eur.Ceram.Soc., 33 [8] 1425 -1434 (2013)
T. Epicier, G. Boulon, W. Zhao, M. Guzik, B. Jiang, A. Ikesue and L. Esposito, "Spatial distribution of the Yb3+ rare earth ions in Y3Al5O12 and Y2O3 optical ceramics as analyzed by TEM", J. Mat. Chem., 2012, 22, 18221-18229.
L. Esposito, T. Epicier, M. Serantoni, A. Piancastelli, D. Alderighi, A. Pirri, G. Toci, M. Vannini, S. Anghel, G. Boulon, "Integrated analysis of non-linear loss mechanisms in Yb:YAG ceramics for laser applications", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32 [10] 2012, 2273-2281.
J. Hosta?a, L. Esposito and A. Piancastelli, "Influence of Yb and Si content on the sintering and phase changes of Yb:YAG laser ceramics", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 [11] 2012, 2949-2956.
M. Serantoni, A. Piancastelli, A. L. Costa, L. Esposito, " Improvements in the production of Yb:YAG transparent ceramic materials: Spray drying optimization", Optical Materials 34 (2012) 995-1001