The Micro WatTS project is co-financed by Interreg V. A. Italia-Malta. The project ranked first among over 80 proposals submitted to garner the EU funds. The project combines the expertise of academics and industry in a bid to ease water problems common to Malta and Sicily. While the University of Malta (Maurice Grech) and National Research Council, Institute for microelectronics and microsystems in Catania (Giuliana Impellizzeri) are well-versed about which materials, when radiated by solar energy, emit components that help in breaking down bacteria, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (Joseph Bartolo) and the University of Catania (Giancarlo Rappazzo) have biological and chemical labs to test the quality of the water. The industrial partners in this project, Econetique (Ryan Xuereb) and Plastica Alfa (Luciano Falqui) specialised in renewable energy technologies, microsystems and development of innovative polymeric products for water management.
The first step will be identifying polymers and surfaces that can best be used to treat water. Tests will be carried out to see their effectiveness, while biological tests will be carried out on the treated greywater. Econetique and Plastica Alfa shall in collaboration with other partners, design and build two standalone micro solar water treatment systems, one for use in a household and another for a small firm.
Per informazioni:
Giuliana Impellizzeri
Cnr - Istituto per la microelettronica e microsistemi
Via Santa Sofia, 64 Catania
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