Progetto di ricerca

MOTTLES - MOnitoring ozone injury for seTTing new critical LEvelS (DBA.AD001.082)

Area tematica

Scienze bio-agroalimentari

Area progettuale

Intensificazione sostenibile delle produzioni agroalimentari e forestali (DBA.AD001)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri (IRET)

Altre strutture che collaborano al progetto di ricerca

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 3298061717


Climate change (CC) and air pollution are interlinked and are a challenge for European forest
management. The phytotoxic air pollutant and greenhouse gas of most concern to EU forests is
ozone (O3). European standards for ecosystem protection were derived from experiments under
controlled conditions. Research has demonstrated, however, that artifacts may arise under those
conditions, and free-air experiments or epidemiological investigations in the field with observations at
high temporal resolution (1 h), should be rather carried out. Monitoring O3 concentrations at remote
forest sites is challenging because electricity is missing, and thus passive samplers are used. Such
systems unfortunately suffer of low temporal resolution (2 weeks to a month) so that it is impossible to
correlate O3 data with epidemiological observations.


Develop an innovative monitoring system of O3 effects on EU forests, based on active monitoring
rather than passive monitoring
Set up a permanent new-generation monitoring system for the effects of O3 on EU forests
Concurrently monitor forest response indicators and O3 standards across Europe
Produce new criteria and usable legislative standards for protecting forests against O3 and for
establishing a long-term monitoring strategy
Contribute to the achievement of forest policies & EU 2020 Biodiversity strategy and policy efficiency
by development of proper standards for effective forest protection
Support the elaboration of recommendations & adaptive management strategies for sustainable forest
Raise stakeholders' and experts' awareness about the innovative monitoring system and criteria of
Provide open-access data for incorporation into the European Forest Data Centre and the Forest
Information System for Europe of the EC
Support future EU air quality decision making
Assess whether some EU regions are more exposed/vulnerable to effects of CC & O3
Allow exchanging know-how and best practices

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

ozono, monitoraggio, foreste

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/03/2025