Progetto di ricerca

PhasmaFOOD (DFM.AD005.169)

Area tematica

Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia

Area progettuale

Fotonica: dai processi fisici ai componenti e sistemi e relative applicazioni (DFM.AD005)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie (IFN)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 06415221


The PHASMAFOOD project will realise a parameterized, knowledge-based, multi-target food sensitive mini-portable system, with heterogeneous micro-scale photonics for on-the-spot food quality sensing and shelf-life prediction. The following use case will be addressed during the project: Use case 1: Detection of mycotoxins in various grains and nuts. Aflatoxins detection. A simple, convenient ultraviolet test makes it possible to detect the possible presence of aflatoxin. Use case 2: Detection of early sign of spoilage and spoilage in fruits, vegetables, meat, fish: combined with estimation on product expiration date. Use case 3: Detection of food fraud: Adulteration of alcoholic beverages, oil, milk and meat. Smart signal processing of the spectrum images will be performed by an advanced microcontroller, integrated in the sensing device. The data will be communicated to a smartphone device, where the spectroscopy analysis will take place with the help of a cloud-base application connected to a reference database.


The main objective of the project is to design and implement a parameterized, knowledge-based, multi-target food sensitive
mini-portable system, with heterogeneous micro-scale photonics for on-the-spot food quality sensing and shelf-life
prediction. In particular, the miniaturized smart integrated system will be able to detect food hazards, spoilage (incl. early
sign of spoilage) and food fraud through the combined bio-chemical data analysis and additionally will be able to perform
food components/additives analysis, food identification and prediction of food shelf-life.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

microscale photonics, smart sensing, food hazards

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/12/2024