Progetto di ricerca

INFRAFRONTIER2020 - Towards enduring mouse resources and services advancing research into human health and disease (DSB.AD008.320)

Area tematica

Scienze biomediche

Area progettuale

Tecnologie Applicate alle Scienze Biomediche (DSB.AD008)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di Biochimica e Biologia Cellulare (IBBC)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0690091307


INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure (RI) for the development, phenotyping, archiving, and distribution of mammalian models.
INFRAFRONTIER2020 will enhance sustainability and operational excellence of INFRAFRONTIER and underpins its vision to advance the understanding of human health and disease mechanisms using mammalian models as the premier European infrastructure and research partner.
The ESFRI BMS Landmark RI INFRAFRONTIER integrates repositories of the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) network and European Mouse Clinics, centres of excellence for systemic phenotyping of mouse models of human disease. The common goal is to operate a sustainable RI that ensures access to mouse models for basic research of human health and disease and facilitates the translation of this knowledge into therapeutic approaches, personalized medicine and disease prevention strategies for the benefit of the European society.
The INFRAFRONTIER network operates a common INFRAFRONTIER web portal (, providing unified access to the resources and services of the EMMA repository and to cutting-edge analytical and diagnostic methodology of INFRAFRONTIER mouse clinics.


The overall objective of the proposed INFRAFRONTIER2020 project is to evolve INFRAFRONTIER towards a sustained and excellent operation. Further objectives are improving data management and fostering innovation potential.
All project objectives and activities are fully aligned with the work program, call objectives, and expected impacts.
1) Coordination: Integrate the EU mouse community
New Business Units and service platforms
Funding strategies for innovation projects
2) Outreach: Awareness of INFRAFRONTIER resources and services
Sustainable stakeholder engagement and align services with user demand
Best practices in mouse phenogenomics, 3Rs and strict ethical and animal welfare standards
Policy development in Europe and internationally
3) Operations and data management: Business models and legal framework for INFRAFRONTIER RI operation
Business processes within the INFRAFRONTIER legal entity
Sustainability of the INFRAFRONTIER IT infrastructure
Use of the INFRAFRONTIER / EMMA strain resource
Archiving strategies for INFRAFRONTIER data resources
Impact of INFRAFRONTIER resources
4) INFRAFRONTIER service objectives: Mammalian model development
New Business Units

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

human disease models, mouse mutant strain, mutant model data

Ultimo aggiornamento: 29/03/2025