Progetto di ricerca

Maintenance of e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange (DUS.AD008.060)

Area tematica

Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale

Area progettuale

Diritto, tecnologia, organizzazione giudiziaria (DUS.AD008)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di Informatica Giuridica e Sistemi Giudiziari (IGSG)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0512756217


The overall goal of the Me-CODEX project is to ensure a swift and sustainable transition of the e-CODEX project towards long-term sustainability. The activities include: Outline the requirements and work of the future governance model; Manage political sensitivities; Offer technical maintenance is guaranteed by ensuring change management and support to countries; Engage stakeholders and pursue the awareness raising activities under taken so far; Further the business case around the sustainability by exploring e-Justice use cases; Conduct a regulatory check in keeping an eye of the legislative horizon.


The European e-Justice Action Plan 2014-2018 foresees that a solution for the consolidation of the results of the e-Codex project should be explored in the form of an appropriate governance structure with a view to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the technical solutions developed and building blocks used by the project. The goal of the Me-Codex project is to pave the way for the sustainable usage and long-term governance of the building blocks and thus also their interoperability, within all European Member States and Associated Countries. The overall objective of this task is to produce a holistic sustainability and governance model. It focuses on designing governance for sustainable building blocks by defininig strategic and policy recommendations for governance models with the aim to increase take-up the market. This will be done by this project via the recommendation of a holistic governance model for the long term.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

e-Justice, e-Codex, Interoperability

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/03/2025