Progetto di ricerca

Development towards clinical application of the anticancer peptide Pep3 for reactivation of p53 (DSB.AD001.135)

Area tematica

Scienze biomediche

Area progettuale

Oncologia e Immunologia (DSB.AD001)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di Biochimica e Biologia Cellulare (IBBC)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0690091470


Hypothesis: Future application of Pep3 requires detailing of its activity and improvement of its physicochemical properties. Specifically, the different sensitivity of subcellular MDM2/MDM4 heterodimers to Pep3 indicates the existence of various heterodimer complexes, whose nature is presently unknown. Uncover the features of these complexes is essential to understand the Pep3 efficacy and foresee possible resistance mechanisms. Furthermore, Pep3 induces selectively p53-mediated oxidative stress; this is most likely the main reason for its selective activity in tumor cells and inefficacy in untransformed cells. Ascertain this and evaluate Pep3 activity in the presence of antioxidant and pro-oxidant drugs will give insights about Pep3 toxicity in normal cells and guide combination therapies. Finally, clinical application of Pep3 requires the development of effective delivery and stability properties.
Aims: This project aims to increase the knowledge about Pep3 activity and to improve its pharmacodynamics properties in order to evaluate the efficiency and feasibility of its application. We aim to:
1) Define the molecular features of MDM2/MDM4 heterodimers that underlie Pep3 activity

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

cancro, sviluppi terapeutici, peptidi

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/01/2025