Progetto di ricerca

MSCA-ITN BIKE - Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications (DCM.AD005.016)

Area tematica

Scienze chimiche e tecnologie dei materiali

Area progettuale

Chimica e materiali per le energie rinnovabili (DCM.AD005)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche "Giulio Natta" (SCITEC)

Altre strutture che collaborano al progetto di ricerca

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0250314428


BIKE (BImetallic catalysts Knowledge-based development for Energy applications) is a network for training of T-shaped young promising scientists (early stage researchers, ESRs), who will learn to develop and apply, by an innovative "holistic" approach, the next generation of bimetallic catalysts for energy management, in particular for blue and green hydrogen5 production processes. Bimetallic catalysts are undoubtedly promising materials since the synergy between two metals can lead to enhanced catalytic performance. The modification of monometallic catalysts with secondary metals is a common strategy to enhance catalyst activity, selectivity, and stability. The BIKE approach will be applied to three different industrially relevant green and blue hydrogen production processes: A) Steam Reforming of biogas/bio-CH4; B) Aqueous Phase Reforming of LRFs; and C) Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis.


In BIKE we propose a novel approach based on the combination of enabling state-of-the-art tools (i.e. predictive modelling, advanced characterization, knowledge based design innovative catalyst preparation, and explorative testing) in a single methodology to fully exploit the added value of bimetallic catalysts in a synergistic way. Consequently, BIKE next generation bimetallic catalysts will exhibit superior performance under realistic conditions by design. BIKE ITN is designed to address these requirements by providing a team of 14 qualified researchers with a comprehensive and application-oriented knowledge of the H2-field, able to span from preparation to characterization, modelling, industrial applications, and marketing of H2-related catalyst materials, and to interact with all the stakeholders working in the field.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

idrogeno, catalizzatori bimetallici, modelling predittivo

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/05/2024