INSPECTr (DUS.AD008.082)
Area tematica
Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale
Area progettuale
Diritto, tecnologia, organizzazione giudiziaria (DUS.AD008)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto di Informatica Giuridica e Sistemi Giudiziari (IGSG)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 0554399672
Intelligence Network & Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr). The principal objective of INSPECTr will be to develop a shared intelligent platform and a novel process for gathering, analysing, prioritising and presenting key data to help in the prediction, detection and management of crime in support of multiple agencies at local, national and international level. This data will originate from the outputs of free and commercial digital forensic tools complemented by online resource gathering .
Using both structured and unstructured data as input, the developed platform will facilitate the ingestion and homogenisation of this data with increased levels of automisation, allowing for interoperability between outputs from multiple data formats.
Various knowledge discovery techniques will allow the investigator to visualise and bookmark important evidential material and export it to an investigative report.
INSPECTr will address the aforementioned LEA challenges through the development of a platform that supports digital forensics evidence capture and unified federated analysis at both national and international level. Leveraging and integrating existing research outputs that are currently attempting to address the main challenges of modern digital forensics, INSPECTr will develop a multi-jurisdictional platform for digital forensics and intelligence gathering. Using a Living Labs approach9, the platform will be built with the active participation of LEAs from the outset and throughout the entire project; including initial definition of requirements; leading core INSPECTr development work packages; creation of innovative capacity building solutions, and providing feedback on the use of the outputs.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
eJustice, cooperazione fra Forze di Polizia transnazionale, prove
Ultimo aggiornamento: 22/03/2025