COPMAT: Accordo IIT - IAC/CNR (DFM.AD003.358)
Area tematica
Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia
Area progettuale
Materiali innovativi (DFM.AD003)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto per le applicazioni del calcolo "Mauro Picone" (IAC)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 0649937338
The last decades have witnessed major progress in our understanding of the basic physics of soft matter materials. At the same time, microfluidics has also undergone spectacular theoretical and experimental progress. The confluence of such major advances spawns unprecedented opportunities for the design and manufacturing of new soft mesoscale materials, with promising applications in tissue engineering, photonics, catalysis and many others.photonics, catalysis and many others. COPMAT is targeted at making the most this opportunity through the pursuit of a single general goal: the full-scale simulation at nanometric resolution of microreactors for the design and synthesis of new tunable porous materials. In particular, we shall focus on the microfluidic design of: multi-jel materials, trabecular porous media and soft mesoscale molecules.. We shall also explore new designs concepts based on unexplored microscale phenomena, such as the interaction between plasticity and nano-rugosity.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
sistemi complessi, fluidodinamica, materiali innovativi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/01/2025