MEMSEAFOOD - Development of innovative membranes in Anaerobic Membranes BioReactor (AnMBR) for seafood processing wastewater treatment (DCM.AD006.335)
Area tematica
Scienze chimiche e tecnologie dei materiali
Area progettuale
Chimica e tecnologia dei materiali (DCM.AD006)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto per la tecnologia delle membrane (ITM)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 0984492027
The main idea of this project is to apply membrane processes, thanks to the their widely recognised advantages in terms of both reduced environmental impact and energy consumption, in order to perform a more sustainable water treatment methodology for seafood processing industry in Vietnam.
An innovative formulation based on polymerised bicontinous microemulsion (PBM) will be used a coating material for commercial ultrafiltration (UF) flat membranes. The novel composite membranes will be characterised to evaluate the stability of the coating, their antifouling properties (CNR-ITM) and their performance with real seafood processing wastewater streams using an AnMBR (VGU). The membranes will produce a good quality filtrate with a longer membrane life cycle in comparison to the traditional commercial ones generally applied.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
Membrane Bio Reactor, Coating, water treatment
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/01/2025