Tesi di laurea

Frontal structures in the Western Mediterranean Sea an analysis of the past, present-day and future model projections.

Frontal structures in the Western Mediterranean Sea an analysis of the past, present-day and future model projections.
Corso di laurea
Fisica, Geologia, Ingegneria, Matematica, Scienze Biologiche, Scienze della Terra, Scienze Naturali
Settore disciplinare
Ambiente, Geografia, Geologia, Ingegneria, Matematica
Requisiti per richiedere la tesi
SUBJECT OF THE THESIS: Frontal structures in the Western Mediterranean Sea an analysis of the past, present-day and future model projections. Ocean fronts are oceanic structures where physical processes influence biological activity at all levels of the food chain. They occur at the sea surface with intense horizontal gradients of hydrological properties. Tasks: - Review the current knowledge on frontal structures in general and in the Western Mediterranean Sea. - Analysis of the frontal variability in the Western Mediterranean Sea by using specific indicators. DEGREE PROGRAM: Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Physical and Natural Sciences and other relevant branches. ERC SCIENTIFIC SECTOR: PE - Mathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth sciences BASIC REQUIREMENTS: - Basic knowledge of the Unix operating system. - Basic knowledge of at least one of the following data analysis and visualization tools: MATLAB, R, FERRET, Python. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - Bibliographic research and analysis - Deepening computing skills - Acquisition of methodological tools for research - Elaboration/writing a dissertation. - Teamwork approach RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE TRAINING: The candidate is reccomended to attend the laboratories of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per lo studio degli Impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino, at Località Sa Mardini, 09170, Oristano Laboratorio di Oceanografia Operativa e Geologia Marina: o https://www.ias.cnr.it/macrotematiche-di-ricerca/gruppi-di-ricerca/linee-di-ricerca/oceanografia-operativa-oceope/ o https://www.ias.cnr.it/laboratori/laboratorio-di-oceanografia-operativa-e-geologia-marina-gdr-oceop-cosmo-oristano/
Data di scadenza
Numero tesisti
Durata prevista
6 -12 months
Sede svolgimento
Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino (IAS)
località Sa Mardini - 09072 Torregrande (OR)
Telefono: 0783 229015
Fax: 0783
E-mail: segreteria.or@ias.cnr.it
Giovanni Quattrocchi
Telefono: 0783229015
E-mail: giovanni.quattrocchi@cnr.it